This week post Rak Half Marathon I took a few rest days and focused on yoga and stretching out the hips and legs. As race day draws nearer, I had to put in a long run this week. my training so far has been going to plan and I'm feeling good about running Tokyo Mararthon in 2 weeks time and attaining my fourth Abbots World Marathon major medal.
As I had a visitor from London my running routine went a bit out of sync with work, social engagements and being a tour guide and host.
Monday was a rest day, I had a big grand opening event at works so did not have time to work out or run. So, it was a morning stretch and meditation session before work.
Tuesday was another rest day.
Wednesday was Supersupfit class at Drift Beach Club. I had two weeks off from class and found that it was very intense. I bought my friend who is not into fitness and never done a HIIT class before and he managed to survive the class, but it did inspire him to work on his fitness and more importantly his wellness. We did 30 minutes post class yoga on the beach. I have been practising handstand preparation and finally after fourth months of practise I managed my first handstand with no wall and held it for a few seconds. It felt good and, I think the HIIT helped build my core strength and confidence over the weeks I have been training.
Thursday morning, I went for my first run of the week around the Dubai Marina, The Beach and Bluewater. Legs and hips have recovered from the half marathon and the run was fine, pace was fine, and the breath was good. Thursday afternoon was spent in the desert. We managed some yoga practise in the sunset this evening which was very nice.
Friday, I put in my long run of the week. My intention was to do 32km before I start my two weeks taper. I set off on a new route so I won’t get bored I headed out from my apartment towards Kite Beach and had mapped it would be around 32km. I set off later than planned at 8.45am in the morning as the sun was coming out over the marina. I met a fellow runner Ahmed. We got chatting about running routes and running in general. Ahmed is an Adidas Runner and had completed the Rak Half Marathon last week. He also recently ran the Berlin Marathon and a fellow Abbots World Marathon runner. I enjoyed our brief run together as he was finishing his 22km he directed me in the direction of Kite Beach. Off I went towards Kite Beach I had to stop to buy a bottle of water as it was getting warm, the shop keeper didn’t have change for my 100AED note and gave me the water for free. It must have been my lucky day. I arrived on to the beach front and was met by bus loads of tourists taking photos by the beach on with the view of the Burg Al Arab. After 5 minutes of weaving the tourists I managed to get onto the beginning of the famous Kite Beach running track. The soft spongey track from the Burg Al Arab runs 7km route along the beach walk. There was a nice sea breeze and as I was running against it, it felt good and nice and cool. I followed the running route and reached the Fish Market was the half way (16km) point in which I turned back to run back home. By this point the sun was getting hotter, I was not running against the breeze and I could feel my face and skin burning. I had to stop a lady for some sun screen and continued along my route in the blazing sun. there was shade along the route. I stopped off at a shop and picked up a bottle of Pocari Sweat and continued until I hit 25km I realised the I was getting tired and the heat was getting to me. I did use gels at 8km, 16km and a Pocari Sweat but I was running out of fuel. Legs were getting tired and the heat did not help. I finished up my run at 25km it was around 11.30am just before the midday sun. I was also due to be in work at 1pm so time to call it a day. I jumped into a cab back home and got ready for work. I was disappointed I didn’t do the 32km as I set out to, but I did the best I could and was happy that I got a long run in this week. I was happy with the pace and how my body felt.
Saturday was a rest day. I took it easy and chilled at the beach club and managed to do more yoga on the beach and working on my handstands.
Tapering begins next week as its 2 weeks to race day. As I type this, I’m nursing bruised ribs from a bad fall from my handstand practice. Which means I’m out for at least five days on muscle relaxers and pain killers from the doctor. Hopefully I will have speedy recovery and able to run again soon.
Happy Running,
Chrissy xx